Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sooooooooo Excited!

Take the night off ladies! Is anyone else super excited about this flick? I feel like I'm 12 but I seriously can't wait! Will someone please admit they've been searching the web and looking at all the Twilight junk? I know you all have! Eddie why are you so hot? (Tom don't be upset about this post, I love you more than anything!)


Gorge Us Family said...

Um, yeah....excited in Stevenson.

Tom said...

Ya, no problem....i love to hear that.

Anonymous said...

Dude you are not the only one that is super excited! I already have my ticket and all! I am in love with Edward, he can bite my neck any time he wants! LOL! Love you Jess!

Christian Levi said...

Tom... Cmon
you know you could totally take that nancy boy "edward".
And yes girls.
All of us think you are weird.
A vampire romance novel?

Nikki said...

I'm so there with you sista! We should totally go.

Puerto Rican Gringa said...

I hate to admit I side with Christian, but I do think the Edward in the movie is hot!

Jill said...

I'm quite excited as well. But, worried that the movie won't do Edward justice!