Thursday, October 9, 2008

General Conference......

I love, love, love, General Conference and all that it stands for! These past sessions were awesome! My fav was Elder Wirthlin's talk on making the best out of the situations we've been handed in life, "come what may, and love it". His message was so touching to me and came at such a perfect time in our lives. I'm sure everyone watched conference ALL DAY Saturday but if you didn't get a chance to hear it, it's definitely worth taking the time to read.,5232,89-1-947-9,00.html


John and Erin said...

Thanks Jess, I had missed that one and so I'm glad you posted about it because it's one of those all-star talks that you don't forget. I'm sure that talk really hit pretty close to home for you guys. It always amazes me when they say things that are exactly what you need to hear. They are certainly inspired! Sure love you Jess. I also really enjoyed Elder Uchdorfs talk in the General Relief Society broadcast Happiness, Your Heritage. And also his talk in the Saturday morning session on the Infinite power of Hope.

Jill said...

I love conference also. I thought all the talks on Saturday were so uplifting.